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How to learn Ayurveda in 3 simple steps?

How to learn Ayurveda? Hello Friends According to the Archaeological Veda, the oldest book in the world is Rigveda. In this, the very important principles of Ayurveda have been described here. This proves the antiquity of Ayurveda.



how to learn ayurveda

How to learn Ayurveda? Hello Friends According to the Archaeological Veda, the oldest book in the world is Rigveda. In this, the very important principles of Ayurveda have been described here. This proves the antiquity of Ayurveda.

How to learn Ayurveda?

There is knowledge related to survival in Ayurveda that is analogic and traditional. And when the same knowledge was absorbed, the Acharyas made a script and reversed it in the public interest. Ayurveda is a life science. Knowing it scientifically, you will be able to use it.

How to learn Ayurveda

Step 1 Knowing the Origin of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is made up of two words. Ayu + Vedas Veda – Veda means science. Ayu – The combination of body, senses, sattva, and soul is called ayu. And this is also called Ayurveda.

Science has two parts, Western Science and Indian Science. There are 3 parts of Western Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, any branch is formed from these 3 basic fundamentals like Chemistry and Biology are formed by mixing the medicine branch in the same way as an engineering branch of physics.

Now let’s talk about Indian Science Fundamentals of Indian Science are numbers, Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Buddhist, and Mimamsa. Now Ayurveda has been made by combining numbers and Vaisheshika. In the same way, Yoga is formed by combining Vaisheshika and Nyaya.


Step 2 What is the Dosha?

According to Ayurveda, the body is dosha. The nature of any person’s body depends on the dosha. There are three types of Dosha. First Vayu, Pitta, and Kapha

Vayu means action [function], Pitta means heat [transformation] and Kapha means creation [structure]. Whenever there is any action in the body, then by visualizing the dosha in it, that action can be easily understood according to Ayurveda.

Just as there is difficulty in walking, so there is the involvement of air. In the same way, if any new construction is taking place in the body, then there is the involvement of Kapha. In this way, the dosha cause is fatal for both healthy and disease conditions in the body.

Step 3 Panchmahabhoot

Just like in the above two topics, we have learned that the body is made of Dosha only. Similarly, according to Ayurveda, the body is made up of five elements. This is also the theory of Ayurveda, which we can understand as many other topics. There are five elements in Panchmahabhoot.

First is the sky, second is air, third is fire, fourth is water and fifth is earth. Any substance, which is in excess of this substance, only that element is formed in its form.


So, friends, this is the concept in three, first is to know the origin of any word, the second is to know the dosha, and the third is to know the Panchmahabhoot. If you read Ayurveda keeping these in mind, then 90% will be understood.


How to learn Ayurveda? Now let’s talk about where to start studying Ayurveda, friends, whether you are a medic or a non-medic, then you should start from the code itself. There are three Samhitas which are called Brihatya. The first one is the Charaka Samhita, the second is Sushruta and the third is Vapat. It is mandatory to read these Samhitas to learn Ayurveda.


Q. how to learn about Ayurveda?

Ans. Ayurveda originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words Ayu (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.

Q. how to learn Ayurveda?

Ans. Friends, whether you are a medic or a non-medic, then you should start from the code itself. There are three Samhitas which are called Brihatya. The first one is the Charaka Samhita, the second is Sushruta and the third is Vapat. It is mandatory to read these Samhitas to learn Ayurveda.

Q. how to learn Ayurveda at home?

Ans. It is important to have a teacher. Because a teacher can help you clarify doubts. The importance of the teacher is the fundamental criterion. However, if you do not happen to meet anyone, get started on your own. You can get BAMS books online.


The single most important step in learning Ayurveda is to have a clean and receptive mind. If you have a receptive mind, you will be able to understand the most difficult concepts.

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