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How do i lose weight by eating guava?

How do I lose weight by eating guava? Guava, a small tropical tree or shrub of the family Myrtaceae, is cultivated for its edible fruits.



How do i lose weight by eating guava?

How do I lose weight by eating guava? Guava, a small tropical tree or shrub of the family Myrtaceae, is cultivated for its edible fruits. Guava trees are native to tropical America and are grown in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. Guava fruits are processed into jams, jellies, and preserves and are common pastry fillings.

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Eating a Guava every day helps you lose weight naturally. Without compromising your intake of proteins, vitamins, and fiber, guava helps you lose weight by regulating your metabolism.

Guavas are a low GI fruit and do not raise blood sugar levels and help in managing weight. It is the best fruit for hormonal imbalances. Diabetics and weight watchers can enjoy this nutrition-packed fruit.


Green crunchy guavas are back the taste of it makes them a universal favorite right?

Guava (amrood) is also rich in manganese, which helps the body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat. Other than this, guavas are rich in fibers which help facilitate smooth digestion. Guava itself only is really very fulfilling & is packed with fiber that helps in digestion as well.

How do i lose weight by eating guava?

If you are taking a large serving size of guava, you will feel full and energized with very few calories. Here are the total calories in guava, depending upon their weight and serving size. A 100-gram serving of guava has 68 calories.

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Guava fruits are amazingly rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. This remarkable nutrient content gives them many health benefits.

  • Guavas are rich in fibre.
  • It boosts Heart health.
  • Guavas are excellent for diabetes management.
  • May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels.
  • Helps in better eyesight.
  • May Help Relieve Painful Symptoms of Menstruation
  • May Help Boost Your Immunity.
  • May Aid in Weight Loss.
  • the nutrients of guava fight free radical damage in your skin, keeping it glowing and free from premature lines and wrinkles.

Who should not eat guava?

Before surgery: Avoid using guava as a medicine or supplement at least two weeks before surgery because guava can lower blood sugar levels and increase the risk of bleeding.

What does the research say?

To date, no published scientific studies show that drinking guava leaf tea or consuming guava leaves or eating guava promotes weight loss or fat loss.


While some rat studies suggest that guava leaf extract aids blood sugar and cholesterol levels, these results can’t be applied to humans and don’t directly involve weight (123).

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Some people claim that guava leaves’ antioxidants, including catechins, quercetin, and gallic acid, boost weight loss by fighting oxidative stress, which is linked to weight gain (456).

However, guava leaf tea provides a very small amount of these compounds. Furthermore, no research ties antioxidant intake from these leaves to weight loss.


Though drinking guava leaf tea may help you feel full, no research directly links guava leaves to weight loss.


How to prepare guava leaf tea

If you want to try guava leaves, it’s best to consume them as tea, as the leaves are inedible.

Here’s how to make guava leaf tea using dried guava leaves.

  1. Add 1–2 teaspoons (2.5–5 grams) of dried guava leaves to a tea infuser.
  2. Add 1 cup (240 mL) of boiling water.
  3. Steep for 5–10 minutes.

Alternatively, you can make tea from fresh guava leaves.

  1. Wash 5–10 fresh guava leaves under cold running water to remove any dirt or residue.
  2. Boil 2 cups (475 mL) of water on the stove, then add the leaves.
  3. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10–12 minutes.
  4. Remove from the heat and pour the liquid into a strainer over a wide cup or bowl.
  5. Discard the leaves.

You can find dried or fresh guava leaves in specialty health stores.

It’s best to consult your healthcare provider before trying guava leaf tea due to its potential effect on blood sugar levels. What’s more, you should avoid guava leaf extract, as its safety and side effects are unknown (1).


You can easily make guava leaf tea at home using dried or fresh leaves, though it’s recommended that you speak to your healthcare provider before trying it.


Guavas are full of fiber and low in calories, meaning that they may help you feel full and aid in weight loss.
When you are full, you naturally refrain from bingeing into other high-fattening foods, thus making way for effective and natural weight loss.


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