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Semen Retention Ayurveda Amazing Benefits

Semen Retention Ayurveda for 4 to 7 days has been shown to improve semen quality, total sperm count, total motile sperm, progressive motility



Semen Retention Ayurveda Amazing Benefits

What is Semen Retention Ayurveda? Semen or Veerya is the basis of your physical presence, Whether you are male or female. This is the 50% part responsible for making your body. We have skin, we have this cell above the skin, we have hair, and we have many aspects of our body You know heart kidney liver, etc.

All these cells in themselves have some potential, but the level of ability of semen is strong, it can make a whole new life. Today you can do a lot by taking the top of the skin cells in the laboratory, maybe we can clone you too, then the potential is here too.

Semen Retention Ayurveda
semen retention ayurveda and semen retention benefits

But its level is not like those cells which you are calling semen or Veerya. In yoga culture, we call it Veerya. We also call semen [Vajra] {which means stability or diamond which is the hardest thing} So semen in the human body is considered like a thunderbolt.

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This means it’s one of the most powerful things if you know how to use it. If you want to produce a cell above the skin, then the body will spend energy on it and if you want to produce a cell of semen, then the body will spend a very different level of energy.


This can be proved scientifically. When your body is expending so much energy to make it, it is natural that it has great potential.

Benefits of Semen Retention Ayurveda

You must have heard about eidetic memory which is also known as photography memory. Photographic memory is such a rare memory that people also post this memory, only after reading them once, does the whole book gets printed in their brain like a carbon copy.

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Seeing something only once, the photo of that thing gets printed in their brain forever. That is unbreakable memory like Nikola Tesla and Swami Vivekananda. While reading the biography of Nikola Tesla, I came to know about eidetic memory, after that, I read a lot of articles on the internet and read books to know what exactly it is that makes a human being so intelligent, brilliant, and genius.

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Ojas accumulation is called Semen Retention Ayurveda. In the old days, there was a custom in India, the Gurukul system, in which as soon as the child was 13 years old, he was sent to the Gurukul to study and he remained the same till he was 25 years old.

The scientific reason behind Ayurveda semen retention


What is the scientific reason behind this know that as soon as we are 13 years old, the body starts making semen and by the time we are 25 years old, our frontal cortex i.e. that part of our brain which makes us intelligent and genius develops.

Therefore, celibacy was mandatory for 25 years in Gurukul. Now you must have started understanding the link between sexual energy and brain development.

Let’s start with Swami Vivekananda Swamiji saying that 8 days of Ojas is destroyed in our mind by the one thought of sex. And by engaging in sexual activity only once, 45 days of Ojas get destroyed.

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And every energy from the Sushumna Nadi starts flowing upwards, opening each chakra. And after 12 years of Semen Retention Ayurveda, there is a river of Medha in the body, which is also called the nerve of memory, and it becomes active. And after the activation of the river Medha, the human mind becomes so sharp and intelligent that there is no such thing in the world that any such person cannot achieve.


He remembers all, He understands all. Not only Vivekananda Ji here is Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla and there are many great people who have used sexual energy to change the world by understanding it.

How Does Semen Retention Ayurveda work

In the process of food digestion, first body fluid is formed in our small intestines and body fluid is formed from blood, and blood is made from meat, and meat is made from fat and fat and then bone marrow and then semen.

This process takes approximately 64 days to complete. And if the semen does not come out for 64 days, then it remains in the Semen Store in the Sapodmus for the next 3 weeks. And after about 84 days, the body starts observing the semen in the blood. Which makes the Finest Brain and Body.

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Nature of mind

The difference between an ordinary person and a great person lies in the degree of concentration.

So depending on the concentration there are three types of Mind.

Monkey Mind

90% of the people in the world are retarded in this category. A monkey cannot sit in one place peacefully, so the monkey’s mind is also like a monkey’s. In the monkey mind, after one thought, another thought, sometimes here, sometimes in the sky, sometimes this thought, sometimes that.

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According to the study, 90% of the thought that comes to the mind of an ordinary human being is useless. Now think for yourself how can someone be intelligent with so many useless thoughts? But even a monkey’s mind can be converted into a concentrated mind.

Concentrated Mind

The nature of the concentrated mind is such that it works in flow. If the concentrated mind of a person with a concentrated mind is engaged in something, then understand that no useless thoughts will come into his mind. Such-minded people can work for hours without stopping.

Blessed Mind

A blessed mind is more powerful than a concentrated mind, you must have understood it by the name, and only a few people have such a mind. And such people have complete control over their own minds. Most like-minded people are in the sonic stage, that is, the thoughtless stage, when they do any work, their concentration is so intense that once they do work, they do not need to do that work again. If one does Patanjali’s Astanga Yoga, then he can reach Blessings.

Semen Retention Ayurveda Explain By Successful Men

Semen Retention Ayurveda Amazing Benefits


In this post, we talked about what is Semen Retention Ayurveda and its benefits. how its works. we also talked about how we take benefits from controlling Semen Retention Ayurveda energy.

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